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Playable Characters

Reimu Hakurei

Reimu type A
一点集中攻撃力重視型 (Concentrated attack type)
めざせ宝船、一攫千金! (Go for the treasure ship; let's get rich quick!)
Shot: パスウェイジョンニードル (Persuasion Needle)
Spell card: 退魔符乱舞 (Wild Exorcism Dance)
"Speaking of a treasure ship, there's gotta be the seven gods of luck. And speaking of gods, then it's my turn."
Hold your mightiest needle straight ahead, and challenge the skies with straightforward feeling!
Reimu type B
アンチパターン重視超誘導型 (Anti-pattern focused homing type)
また妖怪の仕業ね! (This is some youkai's doing again!)
Shot: ホーミングアミュレット (Homing Amulet)
Spell card: 夢想封印 (Fantasy Seal)
"I don't know if it's a treasure ship or what, but it's definitely the work of some youkai."
As always, follow your intuition and take down any youkai before you!

Marisa Kirisame

Marisa type A
宝船だとしたらお宝があるはずだ (If it's a treasure ship, there's gotta be treasure.)
Shot: イリュージョンレーザー (Illusion Laser)
Spell card: マスタースパーク (Master Spark)
"It's a treasure ship, so obviously it's loaded with treasure. You can't lie to me!"
Challenge the skies with the light of this peerless ultimate magic!
Marisa type B
何だか分からない物に興味津々 (I'm very interested in this, whatever it is.)
Shot: スーパーショートウェーブ (Super Short-wave)
Spell card: アルティメットショートウェーブ (Ultimate Short-wave)
"I saw it. There's no doubt that something is floating in the sky. Time to head to the sky!"
Overlook nothing, no matter how trivial, even behind you, with your mighty omni-directional magic!

Sanae Kochiya

Sanae type A
神奈子様の仰るとおりに (Just as Lady Kanako says.)
Shot: スカイサーペント (Sky Serpent)
Spell card: 神代大蛇 (Orochi of Ancient Times)
"Lady Kanako is telling me to master youkai hunting like they do."
Brace for danger with the divine power of a serpent that devours evil!
Sanae type B
諏訪子様の仰るとおりに (Just as Lady Suwako says.)
Shot: コバルトスプレッド (Cobalt Spread)
Spell card: 手管の蟇蛙 (Wily Toad)
"Lady Suwako seems to be sure that I'll find something good in the treasure ship."
Tackle UFOs with the divine power of a frog that will defeat enemies even after it dies!

Playable Characters - Extra Stage Equipment

Follow the UFO's trail!
"That weird snake-looking shape-shifting thing in the UFO got away!"

Reimu Hakurei

Reimu type A
Hold your mightiest needle straight ahead, and uncover the UFO's true form!
Reimu type B
Use your homing amulets to uncover the UFO's true form!

Marisa Kirisame

Marisa type A
Uncover the UFO's true form with the light of this peerless ultimate magic!
Marisa type B
Use your mighty omni-directional magic to uncover the UFO's true form!

Sanae Kochiya

Sanae type A
Uncover the UFO's true form with the divine power of a serpent that devours evil!
Sanae type B
Uncover the UFO's true form with the divine power of a frog that will defeat enemies even after it dies!

Enemy Characters

  • Stage 1 Boss

ダウザーの小さな大将 (The Little Dowser General)
  • Stage 2 Boss

愉快な忘れ傘 (The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella)
Kogasa Tatara
  • Stage 3 Boss

守り守られし大輪 (The Great Wheel that Guards and Is Guarded)
Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan
  • Stage 4 Boss

水難事故の念縛霊 (The Ghost Left From the Drowning Accident)
Minamitsu Murasa
  • Stage 5 Boss

毘沙門天の弟子 (Disciple of Bishamonten)
Shou Toramaru
  • Stage 6 Boss

封印された大魔法使い (The Great Sealed Magician)
Byakuren Hijiri
  • Extra Stage Boss

未確認幻想飛行少女 (The Unidentified Fantastic Flying Girl)
Nue Houjuu