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Return to Phantasmagoria of Flower View: Translation

Merlin wins Reimu[]

Merlin 私の演奏を聴けば、巫女だってほら。
Listen up if you can hear my performance, even if you're a shrine maiden!
It's cheerful like this!

Merlin wins Marisa[]

Merlin トランペットから出るのはレーザーじゃ無くて
What comes out of a trumpet isn't a laser but a happy sound.

Merlin wins Sakuya[]

Merlin さあ、陰湿なメイド人もどんどんと幸せになる
Hey, it'd be great if the devious maid could steadily get happier~.

Merlin wins Youmu[]

Merlin 私のソロ演奏なら、あの真面目な半幽霊だって
Listen to my solo performance, even if you're that serious half-ghost.
Here, it goes like this!

Merlin wins Reisen[]

Merlin さあ、そのハイテンションで餅つきでも
Hey, let's start pounding mochi with this high tension!

Merlin wins Cirno[]

Merlin いつも陽気な妖精だってほら!
Listen, even if you're a fairy who's always merry!
You're always happy, so you won't change.

Merlin wins Lyrica[]

Merlin どう? リリカの幻想の音じゃ。
How is this? Lyrica's illusory sound.
Did you not expect it to go with my noisy sound?

Merlin wins herself[]

Merlin 二人には悪いけど、やっぱり私の音が一番よね It was bad for the two of us, but of course my sound is best.

Merlin wins Lunasa[]

Merlin ほら、そんな憂鬱な曲じゃ駄目よ!
Hey, a depressing song like that is no good!
Now I'm best.

Merlin wins Mystia[]

Merlin さあ! じゃんじゃん歌っちゃってー! Come! Sing nonstop!

Merlin wins Tewi[]

Merlin さあさあ兎のダンス、踊っちゃいましょう! Come now, let's dance the rabbit dance!

Merlin wins Aya[]

Merlin 新聞なんて、空中からばらまいてしまいま
しょう! 配るのが楽よー。
Let's scatter newspapers from the sky! Delivering the paper is a piece of cake.

Merlin wins Medicine[]

Merlin ハッピーになる毒だってあるのよね!
There are poisons to make you happy, too!
Come now, use them steadily.

Merlin wins Yuka[]

Merlin 向日葵は陽気に咲かないとね!
Sunflowers have to bloom in happiness!
With the sunflower effect they'll get brighter and brighter.

Merlin wins Komachi[]

Merlin じゃんじゃん河を渡させましょ!
Let's cross the river nonstop!
We'll even sing a merry boatman's song!

Merlin wins Sikieiki[]

Merlin いいじゃない。少しくらい恩赦があっても!
Isn't this great. You even provided a little amnesty! This year the flowers are blooming like this.

Merlin wins someone[]

Merlin さあ、私の演奏を聴いてハッピーになろう! Hey, if you listen to my performance you'll be happy!
Merlin どんな時も、ハッピーの魂を忘れちゃいけ
No matter what the situation, never forget your happy soul!

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