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Mountain of Faith - キャラ説明.txt[]

Momiji Inubashiri
The Petty Patrol Tengu

Momiji Inubashiri

Species: White Wolf Tengu
Ability: Power to see great distances

A tengu that patrols the Youkai Mountain. Thanks to her superior senses of sight and smell, she can detect any intruder in an instant. When she discovers intruders she attempts to intimidate them with simple attacks, and reports those who aren't immediately bested to the great tengu lord.

Her forces are usually lying in wait behind the waterfall. She has a very cooperative personality and executes her duties faithfully. This is unusual for youkai, but not uncommon in tengu society.

However, she usually has a lot of free time, as the Youkai Mountain doesn't receive many intruders. While awaiting orders, she enjoys playing a rather time-consuming game called Dai shogi with the nearby kappa.

It's hard for the especially long-lived youkai to find good ways to pass the time.
