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TopicLast EditLast Author
Touhou Hisoutensoku 12.320:57, 10 June 2018MamaLuigi777
Why haven't you deleted this wikia11:44, 15 October 2015TheKoakuma
Gonna need help with reverting things11:42, 28 May 2015Byakuren18
Outdated wiki help?05:00, 11 February 2015Greenleaf800073
Profile Resets, 10.5, 12.319:12, 1 January 2015Obsidiamedia
Trying to Install New Copy of EoSD12:52, 25 July 2014Djbutternaut
Running EoSD Through Java16:29, 2 June 2014TheLuckyRabbit
Touhoudex images22:33, 18 May 2014Dr. RED
Where can I get EoSD in Japanese?02:16, 19 June 2013Josh The Biker
EoSD Menu problem05:08, 9 September 2012Tomahawk99781
Windows 7 - "Typical" Loading Problem07:34, 23 July 2012Legato Darksummers
Why do I have to use the HTML page editor?03:03, 27 February 2012Camilo113
EoSD, game doesn't load?00:29, 14 January 2012KGBA
SA Controls problem23:22, 20 October 2011BijutsuHaku
EoSD doesn't run...?08:25, 3 September 2011LloydMaxwell
Subterrenean Animism Music problem21:34, 29 December 2010RegalStar
How to change back screen settings after pressing the 'Ask every time you start the game'16:51, 21 November 201024.226.254.3
Japanese text missing?05:02, 26 October 2010222.155.184.154
How would you run Touhou on a Mac?21:33, 15 October 201062.83.133.235
Touhou 12.8 in-game screen glitch?01:06, 15 October 2010MaronaPossessed
Sound Not Working in PoFV19:27, 27 September 2010Kenny tH
IN ends at stage 3?18:56, 17 September 2010MaronaPossessed
Fullscreen TH12 UFO22:16, 5 August 2010Jigglyppuff8
Cannot modify controls in SWR07:51, 15 July 2010FstrthnU
Running Concealed the Conclsion on Windows 718:27, 8 July 201066.190.164.185
Cant see words14:31, 6 July 2010220.255.7.187
Is there a way to contact ZUN? (or the music composer)06:38, 20 June 201058.11.50.183
How do you prevent edits to pages that have been created by you?18:53, 31 May 2010TOUHOU-Tyle
Where can you buy figures that ship to the US?08:15, 25 May 2010Bansho
Adding a fangame19:34, 25 February 2010Rednal29
Text not appearing on all Touhou games.19:54, 20 February 201098.229.120.155
IN Spell Practice03:31, 16 February 201063.226.243.241
Updating the SWR/UNL Pages06:50, 8 February 2010Xenomic
Problem with touhou 11 and 12..23:01, 24 January 2010PakopakoTaichou
Touhou Manga08:12, 9 January 2010109.121.80.38
What is the name of the font used for Utsuho Caution Sign?00:27, 16 December 2009Takoto
Patching Perfect Cherry Blossom19:11, 14 December 200967.142.162.28
Hisoutensoku Patch20:17, 4 December 2009Jigglyppuff8
Help me Erin remix...?05:05, 21 November 2009Ryuku2
Help with questionare08:53, 14 November 2009TOUHOU-Tyle
Are there any Hisoutensoku communities?05:39, 14 November 2009TheSinnerChrono
Touhou Midi files won't play outside the game?21:11, 12 November 2009192.139.153.30
Perfect Cherry Blossom; no english custom.exe?05:00, 10 November 2009Freesia
What does the slow rate show?19:01, 4 November 2009TOUHOU-Tyle
Gensokyo Tower Defense - savegame?15:13, 31 October 2009Umhyuk
Any way to upload more than one file at a time?23:43, 25 August 2009TheTrueBlue
Aozora market - windfall doujin (no link is added to the download link)11:31, 19 August 2009MizunoYukino
How do you run Touhou games, in general?04:41, 14 August 2009AngelicChaos
How do I import customized palettes to the Scarlet Weather Rhapsody game?01:54, 8 August 2009Jigglyppuff8
There seems to be a problem with the comics section.21:36, 19 June 2009Nietz
How do you change the fps?23:38, 9 November 2008Shatterdreamsl
Welcome to the help desk19:39, 3 June 2008Default