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Spell Card 1

Screenshot No. 1: 怪奇「釣瓶落としの怪」

Horror "Well-bucket-dropping Monster"

Owner: Kisume
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: A demonic rain that burns everything it touches.

Behind her sweet exterior hides a sinister creature.

Spell Card 2

Screenshot No. 2: 怪奇「釣瓶落としの怪」

Horror "Well-bucket-dropping Monster"

Owner: Kisume
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: The storm is larger now, leaving her with nothing left to hide.

Wouldn't that wooden bucket burn up?

Spell Card 3

Screenshot No. 3: 罠符「キャプチャーウェブ」

Trap Sign "Capture Web"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Easy
Comment: Spiders take great care of their webs. If not constantly maintained, they would find it difficult to catch their food.

This web looks rather simple though. Fitting for an equally simple youkai.

Spell Card 4

Screenshot No. 4: 罠符「キャプチャーウェブ」

Trap Sign "Capture Web"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Normal
Comment: Where does a spider youkai get its silk? Do they buy it from someone back in the village?

This silk may catch small animals, but it doesn't trouble any real opponent.

Spell Card 5

Screenshot No. 5: 蜘蛛「石窟の蜘蛛の巣」

Spider "Cave Spider's Nest"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: The spider's nest is a much more dangerous place.

Quick and meaningful thinking will do you good.

Spell Card 6

Screenshot No. 6: 蜘蛛「石窟の蜘蛛の巣」

Spider "Cave Spider's Nest"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: The cave spider's nest. Not to be confused with those that come from the mountains.

Keep sharp in the face of danger, the spider has you right where it wants you.

Spell Card 7

Screenshot No. 7: 瘴符「フィルドミアズマ」

Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Easy
Comment: The air has become heavy with disease.

Spiders don't have power over such things usually, but this spider is different.

Spell Card 8

Screenshot No. 8: 瘴符「フィルドミアズマ」

Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Normal
Comment: Toxic haze that strikes fast and without warning.

A youkai with power over sickness could also be a powerful healing tool. She seems a little too carefree for a doctor, though.

Spell Card 9

Screenshot No. 9: 瘴気「原因不明の熱病」

Miasma "Unexplained Fever"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: Deep caves often contain lethal gases, much to the dismay of many birds.

Fevers were once a sign of an encroaching death. Now they are only minor inconveniences.

Spell Card 10

Screenshot No. 10: 瘴気「原因不明の熱病」

Miasma "Unexplained Fever"

Owner: Yamame Kurodani
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: The spider youkai's finest poison. A bite could be fatal if not treated quickly.

Can you spot the guest appearance?

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