Touhou Wiki
Main Gameplay Story Characters Music Miscellaneous

Note: the stats shown below are not the same as those shown in-game. These values are more accurate, as shown by the Frame Data.

Playable Characters[]

楽園の素敵な巫女 (Wonderful Shrine Maiden of Paradise)
Reimu Hakurei

Reimu Hakurei

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★★★
Scope: Large Circle
Focused Speed: ★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Small Hitbox
Charge Shot: 「博麗アミュレット」 ("Hakurei Amulet")
EX Attack: 「陰陽玉」 ("Yin-Yang Orb")
Charge Lv2: 霊符「陰陽印」 (Spirit Sign "Ying-Yang Sign")
Charge Lv3: 霊符「夢想封印」 (Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal")
Boss Attack: 霊符「博麗幻影」 (Spirit Sign "Hakurei Illusion")
Motto: 行雲流水 (Wafting Clouds and Stream. Kouun Ryuusui)
Serenity of mind becoming a person who is identified with the clouds in the sky and the stream below.
This phrase shows that Reimu isn't bound to anything and lives naturally.

普通の魔法使い (Ordinary Magician)
Marisa Kirisame

Marisa Kirisame

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★
Scope: Infinite forward
Focused Speed: ★★★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Gauge fills quickly
Charge Shot: 「イリュージョンレーザー」 ("Illusion Laser")
EX Attack: 「アースライトレイ」 ("Earthlight Ray")
Charge Lv2: 魔符「スターダスト」 (Magic Sign "Stardust")
Charge Lv3: 魔符「スターダストレヴァリエ」 (Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie")
Boss Attack: 魔符「イリュージョンスター」 (Magic Sign "Illusion Star")
Motto: 疾風怒濤 (Sturm und Drang. Shippuu Dotou)
This phrase shows Marisa's character preferring the might.

完全で瀟洒なメイド (Perfect and Elegant Maid)
Sakuya Izayoi

Sakuya Izayoi

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★★
Scope: Travelling direction opposite sector
Focused Speed: ★★★★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★
Specialty: Activated spirits do not drift upward
Charge Shot: 「ジャック・ザ・リッパー」 ("Jack the Ripper")
EX Attack: 「アナザーマーダー」 ("Another Murder")
Charge Lv2/3: 時符「プライベートヴィジョン」 (Time Sign "Private Vision")
Boss Attack: 時符「ミステリアスジャック」 (Time Sign "Mysterious Jack")
Motto: 快刀乱麻 (Cut the Gordian Knot. Kaitou Ranma)
This phrase shows Sakuya's elegance or her knife skill.

半人半霊の半人前 (Half-human Half-ghost and Half-baked)
Youmu Konpaku

Youmu Konpaku

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★★
Charge Speed: ☆ (a half star)
Scope: Slowly Expanding Oversized Circle
Focused Speed: ★
Scope Generation Speed: ★
Specialty: Her sword can destroy bullets
Charge Shot: 「断迷剣」 ("Stopping/deciding wandering sword")
EX Attack: 「未断の魂」 ("Hesitant soul")
Charge Lv2/3: 迷符「纏縛剣」 (Hesitant Sign "Sword of Earthly Desires")
Boss Attack: 迷符「半身大悟」 (Hesitant Sign "Disillusion of Half-ghost")
Motto: 全身全霊 (Whole Body and Soul. Zenshin Zenrei)
This phrase shows half-human half-spirit Youmu is doing her best both in the aspects of Body and Spirit.

狂気の月の兎 (Moon Rabbit of Insanity)
Reisen Udongein Inaba

Reisen Udongein Inaba

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★☆ (a half star)
Scope: Rotary Eye Type
Focused Speed: ★★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★
Specialty: Activated spirits move upward quickly
Charge Shot: 「マインドエクスプロージェン」 ("Mind Explosion")
EX Attack: 「メタフィジカルマインド」 ("Metaphysical Mind")
Charge Lv2/3: 波符「月面波紋(ルナウェーブ)」 (Wave Sign "Luna Wave")
Boss Attack: 散符「栄華之夢(ルナメガロポリス)」 (Scatter Sign "Luna Megalopolis")
Motto: 栄枯盛衰 (Periods of Ebb and Flow. Eiko Seisui)
Everything flourished must ebb.
This phrase might show that Reisen lived at the prosperous Moon Capital, escaped in the Lunar War to join her two masters later, and is now living freely after IN.

氷の小さな妖精 (Little Ice Fairy)


Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★☆ (a half star)
Scope: Small circle
Focused Speed: ★★★★★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★
Specialty: Activated spirits do not self-destruct as quickly as they do for others.
Charge Shot: 「アイシクルアタック」 ("Icicle Attack")
EX Attack: 「アイシクルフォール」 ("Icicle Fall")
Charge Lv2/3: 凍符「パーフェクトフリーズ」 (Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze")
Boss Attack: 凍符「コールドディヴィニティー」 (Freeze Sign "Cold Divinity")
Motto: 一石二鳥 (Kill Two Birds with One Stone. Isseki Nichou)
This phrase shows Cirno's simple brain; it is so easy that most children say it when they are told to have any proverb. But the plain interpretation is that she is great, or her Spell Card "Icicle Fall" is effective both in attack and defense.

騒霊キーボーディスト (Poltergeist Keyboardist)
Lyrica Prismriver

Lyrica Prismriver

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★
Charge Speed: ★★
Scope: Infinite vertical
Focused Speed: ★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★
Specialty: Can fire behind self as well
Charge Shot: 「キーボード霊」 ("Keyboard Spirit")
EX Attack: 「ファンタムノイズ」 ("Phantom Noise")
Charge Lv2/3: 騒符「ソウルノイズフロー」 (Noise Sign "Soul Noise Flow")
Boss Attack: 騒符「リリカ・ソロライブ」 (Noise Sign "Lyrica Solo Live")
Motto: 光彩陸離 (Brilliance and Shining of Light. Kousai Rikuri)
This phrase shows that Lyrica is one of the Prismriver Sisters.

騒霊トランペッター (Poltergeist Trumpeter)
Merlin Prismriver

Merlin Prismriver

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★☆ (a half star)
Charge Speed: ★
Scope: Horizontal infinite
Focused Speed: ★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★
Specialty: Can fire slanted shots
Charge Shot: 「リバーサイドソング」 ("Riverside Song")
EX Attack: 「トランペットソウル」 ("Trumpet Soul")
Charge Lv2/3: 騒符「ソウルゴーハッピー」 (Noise Sign "Soul Go Happy")
Boss Attack: 騒符「メルラン・ハッピーライブ」 (Noise Sign "Merlin Happy Live")
Motto: 高山流水 (Alpine Stream. Kouzan Ryuusui)
Being superior to music as streaming water on high mountain.
Merlin's phrase is somehow different from the other sisters', though it is Lyrica who is different on the ability and the condition to play. Maybe this is because of the article on Bunbunmaru Newspaper of BAiJR that Merlin is planning solo concert.

騒霊ヴァイオリニスト (Poltergeist Violinist)
Lunasa Prismriver

Lunasa Prismriver

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★
Scope: Horizontal & vertical infinite
Focused Speed: ★★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Can fire three-way shots
Charge Shot: 「チューニング」 ("Tuning")
EX Attack: 「スローサウンド」 ("Slow Sound")
Charge Lv2/3: 騒符「ノイズメランコリー」 (Noise Sign "Noise Melancholy")
Boss Attack: 騒符「ルナサ・ソロライブ」 (Noise Sign "Lunasa Solo Live")
Motto: 光彩陸離 (Brilliant and Shining. Kousai Rikuri)
This phrase shows that Lunasa is one of the Prismriver Sisters.

夜雀の怪 (Mysterious Night Sparrow)
Mystia Lorelei

Mystia Lorelei

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★☆ (a half star)
Scope: Small Forward Circle
Focused Speed: ★★★★★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Spirits often come flying right at her
Charge Shot: 「リトルバタリオン」 ("Little Battalion")
EX Attack: 「バードウォッチング」 ("Bird Watching")
Charge Lv2: 鳥符「ヒューマンケージ」 (Bird Sign "Human Cage")
Charge Lv3: 鳥符「ヒューマンケージダブル」 (Bird Sign "Human Cage Double")
Boss Attack: 鳥符「ミステリアスソング」 (Bird Sign "Mysterious Song")
Motto: 放歌高吟 (Careless Song and Loud Poem. Houka Kougin)
This phrase shows Mystia's freewheelingness.

幸運の素兎 (The White Rabbit of Good Fortune)
Tewi Inaba*

Tewi Inaba

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★★★
Scope: Eye Shape
Focused Speed: ☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Autobomb (when life gauge reaches 0.5)
Charge Shot: 「二兎追」 ("Two Rabbit Chase")
EX Attack: 「兎玉」 ("Rabbit Ball")
Charge Lv2/3: 兎符「開運大紋」(Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest")
Boss Attack: 兎符「因幡の素兎」(Rabbit Sign "White Rabbit of Inaba")
Motto: 狡兎三窟 (Wise Rabbit Has Three Lairs. Kouto Sankutsu)
Being cautious enough to get out of lots of trouble.
* Tewi's name is romanized as Tei in PoFV.

伝統の幻想ブン屋 (Traditional Reporter of Fantasy)
Aya Shameimaru*

Aya Shameimaru

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★★★
Scope: Forward Fan shape
Focused Speed: ★★★★★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★
Specialty: Bullets in her field are a little slower
Charge Shot: 「補扇」 ("Auxiliary Fan")
EX Attack: 「天狗烈風弾」 ("Tengu Gale Bullet")
Charge Lv2/3: 風符「風神一扇」(Wind Sign "Wind God's Fan")
Boss Attack: 疾風「風神少女」(Whirlwind "Wind God Girl")
Motto: 物言えば唇寒し秋の風 (talking-lips are chilled by autumn wind. Mono Ieba, Kuchibiru Samushi, Aki no Kaze)
Bashou Matsuo's Haiku that saying redundancy brings us to quarrel. It is not clear whether Aya is proud of the media's power or secretly ashamed of her deviance of media literacy, but it is interesting that a journalist makes much of this phrase.
* Aya Shameimaru's family name is romanized as Syameimaru in PoFV.

小さなスイートポイズン (Little Sweet Poison)
Medicine Melancholy

Medicine Melancholy POFV

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★
Scope: Star shape
Focused Speed: ★★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★
Specialty: Doesn't get hurt when colliding with a spirit.
Charge Shot: 「ポイズンビー」 ("Poison Bee")
EX Attack: 「スウィートポイズン」 ("Sweet Poison")
Charge Lv2/3: 毒符「神経の毒」(Poison Sign "Nerve Poison")
Boss Attack: 毒符「憂鬱の毒」(Poison Sign "Melancholy Poison")
Motto: 毒薬変じて甘露となる (Poison Changes into Medicine. Dokuyaku Henjite Kanro to Naru)
Poison changes into medicine up to the usage. This phrase may be a parody of "turn disguise into opportunity" (災い転じて福と為す, Wazawai Tenjite Fuku to Nasu)

四季のフラワーマスター (Flower Master of the Four Seasons)
Yuuka Kazami

Yuuka Kazami

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ☆ (a half star)
Charge Speed: ★★★★★
Scope: Flower shape
Focused Speed: ☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★
Specialty: Can fire three-way shots
Charge Shot: 「フラワーシューティング」 ("Flower Shooting")
EX Attack: 「幻想春花」 ("Phantastic Spring Flowers")
Charge Lv2/3: 花符「幻想郷の開花」 (Flower Sign "Reflowering of the Gensokyo")
Boss Attack: 幻想「花鳥風月、嘯風弄月」 (Phantasm "Appreciation of the Beauty of Nature")
Motto: 月に叢雲 花に風 (Clouds over Moon, Wind on Flowers. Tsuki ni Murakumo, Hana ni Kaze)
Happy events tend to be accompanied by problems. Hana ni Kaze means Yuuka Kazami appearing in Phantasmagoria of Flower View.

三途の水先案内人 (Ferryman of the River Sanzu)
Komachi Onozuka

Komachi Onozuka

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★
Scope: Initially covers screen but starts shrinking instantly
Focused Speed: ★☆ (a half star)
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★★★
Specialty: Can instantly activate all spirits on screen
Charge Shot: 「死神の投げ銭」 ("Tip of Death")
EX Attack: 「故人の縁」 ("Ties with the Deceased")
Charge Lv2/3: 投銭「宵越しの銭」 (Throw Away "Money from the Yesterday")
Boss Attack: 死神「ヒガンルトゥール」 (Death "Higan Retour")
Motto: 死ねば死に損 生くれば生き得 (Dying is Loss in Death, Living is Profit in Life. Shineba Shinizon, Ikureba Ikidoku)
It can be said that if you are alive, you will eventually come across fortune, however, if you wish to die then as a result, from then on you will bear the misfortune of death. It means that if humans don't live on nothing can be done.
This phrases shows an aspect of shinigami's role to stop would-be suiciders from dying and persuade them to live.

楽園の最高裁判長 (Highest Judge of the Court of Paradise) Eiki Shiki, Yamaxanadu[]

Shikieiki Yamaxanadu

Basic Performance
Normal Speed: ★★★★
Charge Speed: ★★★
Scope: Instant Large Circle
Focused Speed: ★★
Scope Generation Speed: ★★★★★★
Specialty: Spirits only emit one red bullet
Charge Shot: 「徳の説示」 ("Charge of Virtue")
EX Attack: 「弾幕裁判」 ("Danmaku Judgement")
Charge Lv2/3: 罪符「彷徨える大罪」 (Guilt Sign "Wandering Sin")
Boss Attack: 審判「ラストジャッジメント」 (Judgement "Last Judgement")
Motto: 天知る 地知る 我知る 人知る (Heaven Knows, Earth Knows, I Know, You Know. Ten Shiru, Chi Shiru, Ware Shiru, Hito Shiru)
The saying comes from the Later Han Dynasty of China, when a man tried to bribe Yang Zhen (楊震), a high official, saying that nobody will know. Yang Zhen responded: "Heaven knows, Earth knows, you know, I know. Why do you say nobody knows?" and rejected the bribery. The line became a motto to justify moral behavior. Walls have ears.
This phrase shows Eiki's role of judge or her character of virtue

Other Characters[]

  • Constant Annoyance

春を運ぶ妖精 (Fairy Herald of Spring)
Lily White

Lily White
