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Spell Card 011

Screenshot No. 011: 仙符「鳳凰卵 -Easy-」

Wizard Sign "Phoenix Egg -Easy-"

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Easy
Comment: Phoenixes explode in fiery circles.

Doesn't it get hot up there?

Spell Card 012

Screenshot No. 012: 仙符「鳳凰卵」

Wizard Sign "Phoenix Egg"

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Normal
Comment: Phoenixes explode rapidly in fiery circles.

Just where are these eggs coming from?

Spell Card 013

Screenshot No. 013: 仙符「鳳凰展翅」

Wizard Sign "Phoenix Spread Wings"

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Hard
Comment: Many phoenixes explode.

How can one egg explode into so many bullets?

Spell Card 014

Screenshot No. 014: 仙符「鳳凰展翅 -Lunatic-」

Wizard Sign "Phoenix Spread Wings -Lunatic-"

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Lunatic
Comment: Many phoenixes explode into countless bullets.

It's bewitching watching the bullets split.

Spell Card 015

Screenshot No. 015: 式符「飛翔晴明 -Easy-」

Shikigami Sign "Pentagram Flight -Easy-"
(晴明, pronounced "Seiman", can either translate to "pentagram", or to the name of a legendary Japanese shikigami summoner)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Easy
Comment: Circles explode, spiraling around

How did she get so fast?

Spell Card 016

Screenshot No. 016: 式符「飛翔晴明」

Shikigami Sign "Pentagram Flight"
(晴明, pronounced "Seiman", can either translate to "pentagram", or to the name of a legendary Japanese shikigami summoner)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Normal
Comment: Dense circles explode, spiraling around

If she's a shikigami, where is her master?

Spell Card 017

Screenshot No. 017: 陰陽「道満晴明」

Ying Yang "Douman-Seiman"
("Douman-Seiman" is an amulet that woman divers have, which is said to derive from Ashiya Douman and Abe no Seimei. The left star mark is Seiman, and the right cross stripe is Douman.)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Hard
Comment: Dense circles mix with a random spray.

Haven't I seen that shape before?

Spell Card 018

Screenshot No. 018: 陰陽「晴明大紋」

Ying Yang "Large Pentagram Crest"
(晴明, pronounced "Seiman", can either translate to "pentagram", or to the name of a legendary Japanese shikigami summoner.)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Lunatic
Comment: Dense circles dance with a dense spray.

That's a cruel trick, Chen...

Spell Card 019

Screenshot No. 019: 天符「天仙鳴動 -Easy-」

Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling -Easy-"
("Immortal Sage": more accurately, an immortal wise man who lives in heaven)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Easy
Comment: The nekomata flies quickly, exploding bullets.

Where do the small bullets come from?

Spell Card 020

Screenshot No. 020: 天符「天仙鳴動」

Heaven Sign "Immortal Sage's Rumbling"
("Immortal Sage": more accurately, an immortal wise man who lives in heaven)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Normal
Comment: The nekomata flies quickly, exploding many bullets.

She's seems random, but she always flies the same.

Spell Card 021

Screenshot No. 021: 翔符「飛翔韋駄天」

Flight Sign "Flight of Idaten"
( Idaten: a god of Brahmanism and Buddhism known for his unbelievable speed)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Hard
Comment: The nekomata dances wildly, pelleting you with bullets.

Isn't it cheap being attacked from the side?

Spell Card 022

Screenshot No. 022: 童符「護法天童乱舞」

Child Sign "Dharmapala's Rampage"
(護法 translates to "religious defense" as opposed to a religious war, and 天童 more accurately translates to "Gods disguised as children". 護法天童 is a child-look spiritual entity who a god protecting Buddhism Law makes work.)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Lunatic
Comment: The nekomata flies like a child dangerously.

Who knew a child could be so dangerous.

Spell Card 023

Screenshot No. 023: 仙符「屍解永遠 -Easy-」

Wizard Sign "Incarnate Immortal Sage -Easy-"
(屍解: becoming an immortal sage with his/her own body after death, or becoming a Xian (仙人).)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Easy
Comment: The shikigami sends explosions of bullets around.

Now she's a sage?

Spell Card 024

Screenshot No. 024: 仙符「屍解永遠」

Wizard Sign "Incarnate Immortal Sage"

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Normal
Comment: The shikigami sends dense explosions of bullets around.

Will she get dizzy?

Spell Card 025

Screenshot No. 025: 鬼符「鬼門金神」

Oni Sign "Konjin of the Demon's Gate"
("Konjin" refers to a spirit that was believed to be malicious and brought bad luck to anyone who traveled towards his location. It was believed that Konjin was particularly formidable when it was located northeast or southwest of you. These directions were referred to as a "Demon's Gate". What a black cat Chen is!)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Hard
Comment: Spiraling explosions come from the shikigami.

Could her master be an oni?

Spell Card 026

Screenshot No. 026: 方符「奇門遁甲」

Direction Sign "Kimontonkou"
("Kimontonkou" comes from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, an ancient Chinese war story, where Kong Ming used this as a fortune telling device to win many battles.)

Owner: Chen
Stage 2 — Lunatic
Comment: High speed bullets assault you from all sides.

So fast and she won't stay still, so cruel...

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