Touhou Wiki

Spell Card Sakuya 1

Swr sakuya spc 01

Swr sc sakuya 01

No. Sakuya 1: 幻符「殺人ドール」

Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 2 —
Comment: 広範囲にばら撒かれたナイフが 敵へと向きを変えて殺到
Translation: Knives scatter outwards, then rush in the direction of the enemy.

Spell Card Sakuya 2

Swr sakuya spc 02

Swr sc sakuya 02

No. Sakuya 2: 時符「プライベートスクウェア」

Time Sign "Private Square"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 3 —
Comment: 彼女の十八番の時間操作スペル これは周囲の時間を遅延させる 相手がスローになり、攻防の面で圧倒的優位に立つことが出来る
Translation: Her specialty, time manipulation. It delays time around her, slowing down the enemy, providing overwhelming offensive and defensive superiority.

Spell Card Sakuya 3

Swr sakuya spc 03

Swr sc sakuya 03

No. Sakuya 3: 傷符「インスクライブレッドソウル」

Wound Sign "Inscribed Red Soul"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 3 —
Comment: 両手のナイフで敵を滅多切り  発生が早く短射程だが範囲は広い一見直接打撃のように見えるが 実は射撃扱いで有る事に注意
Translation: Hacks the enemy to pieces with knives using both hands. It starts close range, like a melee attack, but beware its expanding scope.

Spell Card Sakuya 4

Swr sakuya spc 04

Swr sc sakuya 04

No. Sakuya 4: 幻葬「夜霧の幻影殺人鬼」

Buriallusion "Phantasmic Killer"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 4 —
Comment: 殺人ドールの強化版スペル   ナイフが一度画面外に退避し  目で追う事も困難な速度で敵へと襲い掛かる時間差攻撃
Translation: A stronger version of Murder Doll. A temporal manipulation spell where knives leave the screen then bear down on the enemy at blinding speed.

Spell Card Sakuya 5

Swr sakuya spc 05

Swr sc sakuya 05

No. Sakuya 5: 「咲夜の世界」 

"Sakuya's World"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 5 —
Comment: 時間操作スペル最高峰の一つ  周囲の時間を完全に停止させ  一方的に攻撃を行う反則スペル ただし消費、隙共に特大
Translation: One of the strongest time manipulation spells. An unfair spell that completely stops time around her so she can attack, but it's expensive and slow to recover.

Spell Card Sakuya 6

Swr sakuya spc 06

Swr sc sakuya 06

No. Sakuya 6: 傷魂「ソウルスカルプチュア」 

Cutting Soul "Soul Sculpture"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 4 —
Comment: 傷符の強化版に当たるスペル  威力、範囲共に大幅に拡大
Translation: A stronger version of the Cutting Spell. Power and scope are greatly magnified.

Spell Card Sakuya 7

Swr sakuya spc 07

Swr sc sakuya 07

No. Sakuya 7: 銀符「シルバーバウンド」

Silver Sign "Silver Bound"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 2 —
Comment: 大量の反射ナイフを同時発射  ナイフ単体の威力は抑え目だが 攻撃範囲と弾数はかなりの物
Translation: Simultaneously launches bouncing knives an all directions. Individually their power is weak, but it makes up for it in quantity and range.

Spell Card Sakuya 8

Swr sakuya spc 08

Swr sc sakuya 08

No. Sakuya 8: 奇術「エターナルミーク」

Conjuring "Eternal Meek"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 2 —
Comment: 前方へ向けてナイフを連射する ヤケクソで投げているだけと言う噂があるが真偽は定かではない
Translation: Sends knives forwards rapid-fire. It's said that she's just desperately throwing them, but nobody knows for sure.

Spell Card Sakuya 9

Swr sakuya spc 09

Swr sc sakuya 09

No. Sakuya 9: 速符「ルミネスリコシェ」

Speed Sign "Luminous Ricochet"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 3 —
Comment: 画面を何度も跳ね回る貫通ナイフナイフは反射の度に攻撃力が復帰結果相手を長時間拘束する
Translation: Knife that reflects back and forth across the screen repeatedly. It reflects at full power, so it can pin down enemies for a long time.

Spell Card Sakuya 10

Swr sakuya spc 10

Swr sc sakuya 10

No. Sakuya 10: 時符「咲夜特製ストップウォッチ」

Time Sign "Sakuya's Special Stopwatch"

Owner: Sakuya Izayoi
Cost 4 —
Comment: 時間停止フィールドを飛ばす技 捕まった相手はフィールドから 離れるまで動きを封じられる
Translation: A technique that throws out time suspension fields. Enemies caught in the field can't move until they leave it.
