Touhou Wiki

Spell Card Yukari 1

SWR Yukari Sc1

SWR Yukari Scu1

No. Yukari 1: 境符 「四重結界」
Border Sign "Quadruple Barrier"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 3 —
Comment: 手元に複数の結界を重ねバリアを形成し近くの敵を攻撃する   発生が早く無敵時間も有り   接近戦で切り替えしの要となる
Translation: Creates several overlapping boundaries, forming a barrier that can hit nearby opponents. It's quick and has invincibility frames, so it can turn the tables in close combat.

Spell Card Yukari 2

SWR Yukari Sc2

SWR Yukari Scu2

No. Yukari 2: 式神 「八雲藍」
Shikigami "Ran Yakumo"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 3 —
Comment: 藍を呼び出し攻撃指示を出す  藍は直進し、敵を捕捉すると回転敵に攻撃を加える
Translation: Summons Ran and gives her the attack command.  Ran charges straight ahead, and adds damage with her spinning attack if she catches the enemy

Spell Card Yukari 3

SWR Yukari Sc3

SWR Yukari Scu3

No. Yukari 3: 境符 「二次元と三次元の境界」
Boundary "Boundary Between 2D and 3D"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 1 —
Comment: 壁に沿って境界が走る特殊な技 境界は数回方向を変え画面に残り攻撃を加えるトラップとなる  射出時キー入力で後ろにも撃てる
Translation: A unique skill that creates a boundary running along the screen edge. It changes directions to follow the screen. You can also fire it behind you.

Spell Card Yukari 4

SWR Yukari Sc4

SWR Yukari Scu4

No. Yukari 4: 結界 「魅力的な四重結界」
Boundary "Charming Quadruple Barrier"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 4 —
Comment: 四重結界を巨大化し、さらに  吸引効果も付与した上級スペル 判定の巨大化に加え引き寄せる為有効射程は格段に広くなった
Translation: A larger version of Quadruple Barrier that also sucks the opponent in, making its effective range much greater.

Spell Card Yukari 5

SWR Yukari Sc5

SWR Yukari Scu5

No. Yukari 5: 式神 「橙」
Shikigami "Chen"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 1 —
Comment: 藍の式神である橙を間借りする 橙は画面内をバウンドし敵を攻撃藍より間接的な挙動をする   式の格が低い分カード消費も低い
Translation: Borrows Ran's shikigami Chen for a while. Chen bounces across the screen and attacks the enemy indirectly, compared to Ran.   Being a low level shikigami, her cost is low too.

Spell Card Yukari 6

SWR Yukari Sc6

SWR Yukari Scu6

No. Yukari 6: 結界 「客観結界」
Boundary "Objective Border"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 3 —
Comment: 画面端全面を走る四連結界を発射画面上の全ての端から攻撃   相手の安全な領域を削り苦しめる
Translation: Fires four linked boundaries that traverse the edges of the screen. Since it effects most of the screen, it leaves little safe room for the enemy.

Spell Card Yukari 7

SWR Yukari Sc7

SWR Yukari Scu7

No. Yukari 7: 幻巣 「飛光虫ネスト」
Fantasy Nest "Flying Glow Worm's Nest"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 3 —
Comment: 紫の周囲に無数の隙間が開き  そこから前方へ弾幕を形成する 敵が背後を取ると射出方向も反転前後に隙は無い
Translation: Opens numerous gaps around Yukari that fire danmaku forward. Even when the enemy gets behind Yukari, the firing direction will follow the enemy.

Spell Card Yukari 8

SWR Yukari Sc8

SWR Yukari Scu8

No. Yukari 8: 空餌 「中毒性のあるエサ」
Aerial Bait "Laced with Venom"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 2 —
Comment: 画面上に多数のサイトを展開  通過する高速飛行物体で攻撃する影響の及ぶ範囲が広く、攻撃が 始まると敵は動き難い
Translation: Opens up multiple sites at the top of the screen through which high-speed flying objects pass and attack. Its effect is very wide-range, so it will be hard for the opponent to move once it's started.

Spell Card Yukari 9

SWR Yukari Sc9

SWR Yukari Scu9

No. Yukari 9: 廃線 「ぶらり廃駅下車の旅」
Abandoned Line "Aimless Journey to the Abandoned Station"

Owner: Yukari Yakumo
Cost 5 —
Comment: 隙間から廃電車を突撃させる大技電車はグレイズもガードも不能で威力も非常に高い  その代償に隙間の展開に長時間を要する欠点がある
Translation: An assault that sends an abandoned train from a gap. The train can't be grazed or guarded and the damage is high. The downside is that opening the gap takes a long time.
