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To unlock those Spell Cards in the Spell Practice menu, they must have been seen with the Slow Mode turned off.

Spell Card 148

Screenshot No. 148: 薬符「壺中の大銀河」

Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"

Owner: Eirin Yagokoro
Final B — Easy
Comment: 天地よりさらに規模を広げて。


Even more exaggerated than Earth.

It's still in a pot though.

Spell Card 149

Screenshot No. 149: 薬符「壺中の大銀河」

Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"

Owner: Eirin Yagokoro
Final B — Normal
Comment: 余裕でブラックホールだな。


That would easily make a black hole.

I wonder how long it'll take for us to build a black hole station.

Spell Card 150

Screenshot No. 150: 薬符「壺中の大銀河」

Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"

Owner: Eirin Yagokoro
Final B — Hard
Comment: 星を川に見立てて、銀河というネーミングセンスは素敵。


It's a good taste to use stars to resemble rivers, naming it "Milky Way".

The current Japanese language lacks tastes like that.

Spell Card 151

Screenshot No. 151: 薬符「壺中の大銀河」

Medicine Sign "Galaxy in a Pot"

Owner: Eirin Yagokoro
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 底と口が繋がった壺。無限に入るクラインの壺。


A pot that its top and bottom is connected, can contain infinite mass... The Klein Bottle.

Its appearance is a bit disgusting, though.

Spell Card 152

Screenshot No. 152: 難題「龍の頸の玉 -五色の弾丸-」

Impossible Request "Dragon's Necklace -5 Colored Shots-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented.

Before seeking for jewels, was there a dragon to begin with?

Spell Card 153

Screenshot No. 153: 難題「龍の頸の玉 -五色の弾丸-」

Impossible Request "Dragon's Necklace -5 Colored Shots-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。この玉にはそれぞれ星が入っていて、


One of the impossible demands Kaguya presented.

Each jewel contains stars, and it's said that if you collect 7 of them, it'll grant anything you wish.

(This is clearly making pun of Dragon Ball.)

Spell Card 154

Screenshot No. 154: 神宝「ブリリアントドラゴンバレッタ」

Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard
Comment: 結局、龍の頸の玉はこんな武器(弾丸)になっていた。


At last, Dragon's Necklace became an armament like this.

Humans destroy anything invaluable in the war.

Spell Card 155

Screenshot No. 155: 神宝「ブリリアントドラゴンバレッタ」

Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 龍の目の色が紅く変わると津波が起きる。なーんて良く言いますが、


The legends say that when the color of the dragon's eyes change, a tsunami will come.

I'm curious if there are more dragons appearing than tsunami at these times?

Spell Card 156

Screenshot No. 156: 難題「仏の御石の鉢 -砕けぬ意思-」

Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented.

This one's most somber, in my opinion...

Spell Card 157

Screenshot No. 157: 難題「仏の御石の鉢 -砕けぬ意思-」

Impossible Request "Buddha's Stone Bowl -Indomitable Will-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。割れない石の鉢。


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented, an unbreakable stone bowl.

Was Kaguya trying to eat bibimbap or something with this? (Bibimbap: a Korean dish, rice with toppings served in a stone bowl)

Spell Card 158

Screenshot No. 158: 神宝「プディストダイアモンド」

Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard
Comment: 宝石類をじゃらじゃら身に付けた生臭坊主の事ではない。


It's not a lamely-jeweled foul Buddhist.

Kaguya thought it's too somber, so she promoted it into a jewel.

Spell Card 159

Screenshot No. 159: 神宝「プディストダイアモンド」

Divine Treasure "Buddhist Diamond"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 輝夜はなんでこんな物を欲しがったのか。


So, why did Kaguya want this type of thing at all?

I can't help but think about it being related to bibimbap.

Spell Card 160

Screenshot No. 160: 難題「火鼠の皮衣 -焦れぬ心-」

Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented.

The robe itself isn't actually burning, though.

Spell Card 161

Screenshot No. 161: 難題「火鼠の皮衣 -焦れぬ心-」

Impossible Request "Robe of Fire Rat -Patient Mind-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。これを使えば、火の鳥の炎だってほら!


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented.

Did she want a fire-resistant suit that makes her capable of touching a phoenix, or something?

Spell Card 162

Screenshot No. 162: 神宝「サラマンダーシールド」

Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard
Comment: 最初から燃えていれば燃えることも無いかもしれないが……。


If it's burning from the beginning, it surely wouldn't burn further...

But a salamander is a lizard. Or an oven.

Spell Card 163

Screenshot No. 163: 神宝「サラマンダーシールド」

Divine Treasure "Salamander Shield"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 火鼠もサラマンダーも火の鳥も周りが燃えているだけで中身は普通


Fire rats, salamanders, phoenixes...... their surroundings are burning, but I wonder if their insides are normal.

At the very least, they would need blood that doesn't boil... Eshide(abbr)

(Eshide←「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」のエシディシ)<- ACDC from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. At one point in the story, ACDC turns one person into a bomb through their blood.

Spell Card 164

Screenshot No. 164: 難題「燕の子安貝 -永命線-」

Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented.

For me, this one appears to be most realistic and simple.

Spell Card 165

Screenshot No. 165: 難題「燕の子安貝 -永命線-」

Impossible Request "Swallow's Cowrie Shell -Everlasting Life-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ。高級食材とされるツバメの巣の中に稀に


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented. It's a type of luxury food rarely found in

a swallow's nest. Uncommon in kind of porcelain shells, it's edible and delicious.

Spell Card 166

Screenshot No. 166: 神宝「ライフスプリングインフィニティ」

Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard
Comment: 無限に沸く生命の泉。出生率が低下する一方の今の我が国に一番


The Spring of Life that never depletes. Perhaps this is the most wanted treasure in Japan,

not the Jewels of Hourai, as the birth rate is getting lower and lower.

Spell Card 167

Screenshot No. 167: 神宝「ライフスプリングインフィニティ」

Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 少子化が進むと益々ゲーム人口が減っていく。子供に買わせるゲーム


As low as fertility goes, there'll be even less video game players in the future. I want to make a game that is not

only for children, but something everyone can enjoy from their heart. Some day.

Spell Card 168

Screenshot No. 168: 難題「蓬莱の弾の枝 -虹色の弾幕-」

Impossible Request "Hourai Barrage -Rainbow Danmaku-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ?


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented...?

Ms. Kaguya, there's something wrong with this.

Spell Card 169

Screenshot No. 169: 難題「蓬莱の弾の枝 -虹色の弾幕-」

Impossible Request "Hourai Barrage -Rainbow Danmaku-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal
Comment: 輝夜が出した難題の一つ? 東の海に蓬莱という山があり、そこには


One of the impossible requests Kaguya presented...? Rumors say that there's a mountain called Hourai in the Eastern Ocean,

and there's a tree that grows danmaku there. Hourai is way to go, Shmupers!

Spell Card 170

Screenshot No. 170: 神宝「蓬莱の玉の枝 -夢色の郷-」

Divine Treasure "Hourai Jewel -Dreamlike Paradise-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard
Comment: 輝夜が唯一、本物を保持している宝。


Only one real treasure Kaguya has, in her possession.

These rainbow colored jewels can be turned into danmaku too. That sucks.

Spell Card 171

Screenshot No. 171: 神宝「蓬莱の玉の枝 -夢色の郷-」

Divine Treasure "Hourai Jewel -Dreamlike Paradise-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic
Comment: 只の球である玉が何故もてはやされるのかは現代人には判り難い。


It's quite hard for modern people to understand why this plain sphere is so wanted.

This sphere is more valuable than silver or gold. I'm talking about Shogi, by the way.

(Shogi: A kind of Japanese board game that is quite similar to chess.)

Spell Card 172

Screenshot No. 172: 「永夜返し -初月-」

"End of Imperishable Night -New Moon-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy (Last Spell)
Comment: 永遠を操る輝夜に対し、永夜の術は危険すぎた。

Attempting to use the endless night against Kaguya, whose power is controlling eternity, was too dangerous.

Spell Card 173

Screenshot No. 173: 「永夜返し -三日月-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Crescent Moon-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 永遠を操る輝夜に対し、永夜の術は危険すぎた。


Attempting to use the endless night against Kaguya, whose power is controlling eternity, was too dangerous.

Now, the player must pay for what she was up to.

Spell Card 174

Screenshot No. 174: 「永夜返し -上つ弓張-」

"End of Imperishable Night -1st Quarter's Moon-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: ここから、輝夜の夜が始まる。


From now on, Kaguya's night begins.

By the way, why couldn't she find out who's guilty of the endless night right away?

Spell Card 175

Screenshot No. 175: 「永夜返し -待宵-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Paschal Moon-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: ここから、輝夜の夜が始まる。猛スピードで時刻が進む。


From now on, Kaguya's night begins. The clock goes at a tremendous speed.

Ah, I forgot to tell this, "Time" and "Clock" are two completely different things.

Spell Card 176

Screenshot No. 176: 「永夜返し -子の刻-」

"End of Imperishable Night -11 o' Clock-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy (Last Spell)
Comment: 輝夜の夜は始まったばかり。


Kaguya's night has just started.

This night will be a very short one.

Spell Card 177

Screenshot No. 177: 「永夜返し -子の二つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half to Midnight-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 輝夜の夜は始まったばかり。


Kaguya's night has just started.

She controls her own initiative completely.

Spell Card 178

Screenshot No. 178: 「永夜返し -子の三つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Midnight-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 12時、良い子と悪い子の中間辺りが寝る時間。


Twelve o'clock, the time when a boy in between a good-boy and a bad-boy goes to bed.

Or, the time when Spiritual Canister (Television) says "Ashitama!".

(Probably he's referring to some TV program of that time. I've never seen that though.)

Spell Card 179

Screenshot No. 179: 「永夜返し -子の四つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half Past Midnight-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: 一刻の違いで、結構難易度が異なる。


The difficulty differs greatly with a difference of 30 minutes.

In fact it skips a whole 2 hours in a matter of 20 seconds. What a waste.

Spell Card 180

Screenshot No. 180: 「永夜返し -丑の刻-」

"End of Imperishable Night -1 o' Clock-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy (Last Spell)
Comment: 草木も眠る何とやら。


The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping.

I'd like to have some sleep.

Spell Card 181

Screenshot No. 181: 「永夜返し -丑の二つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 1-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 草木も眠る何とやら。でも最近の人間は寝てない事が多い。


The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping, but today's humans often aren't.

So they're free to have some tricks for these sleeping trees and grasses.

Spell Card 182

Screenshot No. 182: 「永夜返し -丑三つ時-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Dead of Night-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 草木も眠る何とやら。子供の頃は本気であれらの幽霊が怖かった。


The time when even trees and grasses are sleeping. When I was a child, I seriously feared ghosts and its kind.

But if I happened to see ghosts from this game, I wouldn't have fear it in the slightest.

Spell Card 183

Screenshot No. 183: 「永夜返し -丑の四つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 2-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: 冥界の門が開いた直後。


The time right after when the gate to after-life world has opened.

So, what did Renko and Merry see, at all?

Spell Card 184

Screenshot No. 184: 「永夜返し -寅の刻-」

"End of Imperishable Night -3 o' Clock-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy (Last Spell)
Comment: 3時過ぎ、そろそろ寝ないと次の日の仕事に響く時間。

Three in midnight. If you have work to do tomorrow, you should be sleeping by now.

Spell Card 185

Screenshot No. 185: 「永夜返し -寅の二つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 3-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 私は毎日大体この時間に寝ます。


Usually I go to bed around this time.

This is the time limit that doesn't affect the work of the next day.

Spell Card 186

Screenshot No. 186: 「永夜返し -寅の三つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night "4 o' Clock"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 4時も過ぎれば、そろそろ夜とは言えなくなって来る。


Around 4 AM, it's no longer night for some people.

The definition of morning depends on the person, so the border is very loose.

Spell Card 187

Screenshot No. 187: 「永夜返し -寅の四つ-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Half Past 4-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: うっすらと、外が白くなる。


At this time, the sky begins to brighten.

If you see an old man running around in this time, he is undoubtedly a Youkai.

Spell Card 188

Screenshot No. 188: 「永夜返し -朝靄-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Morning Mist-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Easy (Last Spell)
Comment: 輝夜の夜はあっという間に明け、朝になった。


Kaguya's night has ended in the blink of an eye, it's now morning.

You're great, Kaguya.

Spell Card 189

Screenshot No. 189: 「永夜返し -夜明け-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Dawn-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: 輝夜の夜はあっという間に明け、朝になった。


Kaguya's night has ended in the blink of an eye, it's now morning.

Of course it wasn't enough for you players, was it?

Spell Card 190

Screenshot No. 190: 「永夜返し -明けの明星-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Morning Star-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 輝夜は自分の力で朝にしたのは良いけど……、あんたら


So Kaguya made this morning with her own power...

Weren't you all supposed to be fighting for something else?

(Yes, they were supposedly fighting for the full moon... not about morning.)

Spell Card 191

Screenshot No. 191: 「永夜返し -世明け-」

"End of Imperishable Night -Rising World-"

Owner: Kaguya Houraisan
Final B — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: いいなぁ楽しそうで。彼女達はなまじ力がある分遊びも豪快だ。


It looks like fun. These girls have power, so their playings are very big too.

Well, every other inhabitant of Gensokyo was annoyed by this endless night, though.

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