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Spell Card 001

Screenshot No. 001: 蛍符「地上の流星」
Firefly Sign "Meteor on Earth"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: 蛍は明滅を繰り返すだけだが、蛍自体は動き続けているから


Translation: A firefly only dazzles occasionally, but its movement makes it look like a shooting star from the Earth.

Spell Card 002

Screenshot No. 002: 蛍符「地上の彗星」
Firefly Sign "Comet on Earth"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: 蛍の光なんかで勉強すると目が悪くなります。


Translation: You'll ruin your eyes if you study by a firefly's light.

Actually, it's impossible to do so with all that blinking. Don't take folktales too seriously.

Spell Card 003

Screenshot No. 003: 灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」
Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Easy
Comment: 蛍の発光現象
Translation: The luminous phenomenon of a firefly.

Spell Card 004

Screenshot No. 004: 灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」
Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Normal
Comment: 蛍の発光現象


Translation: The luminous phenomenon of a firefly.

This motion looks a bit like that of a bug's... but fireflies certainly don't move like this.

Spell Card 005

Screenshot No. 005: 灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」
Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: 蛍の発光現象


Translation: The luminous phenomenon of a firefly.

It's more like that of a grasshopper or something. Well, that's a bug too, so it doesn't matter.

Spell Card 006

Screenshot No. 006: 灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」
Lamp Sign "Firefly Phenomenon"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: 蛍の発光現象


Translation: The luminous phenomenon of a firefly.

It's fun to hold onto click beetles. You can feel your finger popping on its own.

[A click beetle has a habit of making sudden upward springs when laid on its back.]

Spell Card 007

Screenshot No. 007: 蠢符「リトルバグ」
Wriggle Sign "Little Bug"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Easy
Comment: 小さな蟲


Translation: Little bugs.


Spell Card 008

Screenshot No. 008: 蠢符「リトルバグストーム」
Wriggle Sign "Little Bug Storm"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Normal
Comment: 蛍の発光現象


Translation: Little bugs.

At this moment, larvae are spawning from tons of eggs. One of life's mysteries.

Spell Card 009

Screenshot No. 009: 蠢符「ナイトバグストーム」
Wriggle Sign "Night Bug Storm"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Hard
Comment: 卵はかすって温めてあげるとより良い蟲に成長するでしょう。


Translation: You'll get better bugs if you graze and warm up these eggs.

Wait, bug eggs don't require warmth to hatch.

Spell Card 010

Screenshot No. 010: 蠢符「ナイトバグトルネード」
Wriggle Sign "Nightbug Tornado"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Lunatic
Comment: 強いて言えばちょっと大き目の石を持ち上げたら、


Translation: When you lift up a stone and find many ant eggs underneath... Something like that.

Spell Card 011

Screenshot No. 011: 隠蟲「永夜蟄居」
Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Normal (Last Spell)
Comment: あんまり夜が永いとよからぬ蟲も湧いて来るものです。


Translation: When a night lasts too long, some bugs awaken with not-so-good intentions.

In Wriggle's Last Spell, the bug tamer joins her bugs.

Spell Card 012

Screenshot No. 012: 隠蟲「永夜蟄居」
Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Hard (Last Spell)
Comment: 蛍は光るだけでかなり特別視されている蟲の様な気がする。


Translation: I think fireflies are regarded with more respect than most other bugs only because they glow.

It's their way of tricking humans.

Spell Card 013

Screenshot No. 013: 隠蟲「永夜蟄居」
Hidden Bug "Hermit of an Endless Night"
Owner: Wriggle Nightbug
Stage 1 — Lunatic (Last Spell)
Comment: 水の中の蛍の幼虫は例にもれず大変キモイ。


Translation: The immature state of fireflies living in water are, like other bugs, very grotesque.

Don't be fooled by Wriggle's appearance.

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