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Spell Card 027

192px-MBSC027 No. 027: 遍路「底無し柄杓巡り」

Pilgrimage "Circumference of a Bottomless Ladle"

Owner: Miyo Amazu
Stage 3 — Easy
Comment: This ladle holds quite a bit of water,

just in time for a nice shower.

Spell Card 028

192px-MBSC028 No. 028: 遍路「底無し柄杓巡り」

Pilgrimage "Circumference of a Bottomless Ladle"

Owner: Miyo Amazu
Stage 3 — Normal
Comment: If the ladle is bottomless volume wise,

does the circumference still matter?

Spell Card 029

192px-MBSC029 No. 029: 柄杓「底無し安産観音」

Ladle "Bottomless Anzan Kannon"

Owner: Miyo Amazu
Stage 3 — Hard
Comment: A cannon-like jet of water.

Why has Miyo named such a forceful attack after a goddess of compassion?

Spell Card 030

192px-MBSC030 No. 030: 柄杓「底無し安産カノン砲」

Ladle "Bottomless Anzan Cannon"

Owner: Miyo Amazu
Stage 3 — Lunatic
Comment: Water is no longer enough to sink a ship.

Perhaps copying our other ship ghost, Miyo now fires projectiles.

Spell Card 031

192px-MBSC031 No. 031: 予報「スワロウアルティテュード」

Forecast "Swallowtail Altitude"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Easy
Comment: The weather forecast is not too bad today.

Spell Card 032

192px-MBSC032 No. 032: 予報「スワロウアルティテュード」

Forecast "Swallowtail Altitude"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Normal
Comment: In this hot weather, a little rain wouldn't hurt.

Spell Card 033

192px-MBSC033 No. 033: 予報「つばめ式観天望気」

Forecast "Tsubame-style Weather Watching"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Hard
Comment: Tsubame's style is quite amateurish.

After all, the sea has just been created. She can't have much experience.

Spell Card 034

192px-MBSC034 No. 034: 予報「未来予知」

Forecast "Predict the Future"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Lunatic
Comment: And thus, this scary weather forecast is obviously not credible.

Spell Card 035

192px-MBSC035 No. 035: 嵐符「大時化の大海原」

Storm Sign "Great Ocean of Stormy Weather"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Easy
Comment: A mild storm.

The waves make you go round and round.

Spell Card 036

192px-MBSC036 No. 036: 嵐符「大時化の大海原」

Storm Sign "Great Ocean of Stormy Weather"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Normal
Comment: A regular storm.

It is not easy to stay put anymore.

Spell Card 037

192px-MBSC037 No. 037: 転覆「船返しの大海原」

Capsize "Great Ocean of Capsizes"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Hard
Comment: A severe storm.

Stabilizing the ship is now quite difficult.

Spell Card 038

192px-MBSC038 No. 038: 沈没「面舵一杯海上火災」

Sinking "Full Starboard on a Burning Ship"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Lunatic
Comment: The starboard is the right side of the ship. Turn the ship to the right as much as possible.

With the fire out of control though, the ship is doomed no matter which way you turn.

Spell Card 039

No. 039: 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」

Artifact Spirit "Bokuba Genjou"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Easy
Comment: Bokuba (牧馬) and Genjou (玄上) are the prized Biwa (琵琶 - Japanese lute)

of Emperor Daigo and Emperor Murakami respectively.

Spell Card 040

192px-MBSC040 No. 040: 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」

Artifact Spirit "Bokuba Genjou"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Normal
Comment: Playing music now, really.

Tsubame must have given up completely.

Spell Card 041

192px-MBSC041 No. 041: 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」

Artifact Spirit "Bokuba Genjou"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Hard
Comment: Stream the music vertically.

Where did she get this pair of rare music instruments anyways?

Spell Card 042

192px-MBSC042 No. 042: 付喪神「牧馬 玄上」

Artifact Spirit "Bokuba Genjou"

Owner: Tsubame Minazuki
Stage 3 — Lunatic
Comment: Such rude plucking of these delicate instruments.

They really do not belong to her.

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